The Booby Fairy
Breastfeeding support, tips, news and humorous tales. We will cover benefits to breastfeeding, breastfeeding basics, increasing breastmilk, induced lactation, low milk supply, plugged ducts, oral ties, oversupply, sore nipple management and more. Find support, encouragement and some laughs. I am here to help you through this, you are not alone. I got you. Check out my new book and video series -
The Booby Fairy
Tongue Tie Tribe
Season 3
Episode 7
The Booby Fairy is back with an all new season and all new show including a fabulously fun co-host Dr. Michelle Weaver, DC. Welcome as we discuss our new practice The Tongue Tie Tribe, the one stop baby -co-op, designed to holistically heal and treat tongue tied babies. We dive in to our new partnership, other members of the team, and discuss tips on how to help new mothers feel empowered in those first couple of months postpartum.