The Booby Fairy
Breastfeeding support, tips, news and humorous tales. We will cover benefits to breastfeeding, breastfeeding basics, increasing breastmilk, induced lactation, low milk supply, plugged ducts, oral ties, oversupply, sore nipple management and more. Find support, encouragement and some laughs. I am here to help you through this, you are not alone. I got you. Check out my new book and video series -
Podcasting since 2020 • 31 episodes
The Booby Fairy
Latest Episodes
Tongue Tie Tribe
The Booby Fairy is back with an all new season and all new show including a fabulously fun co-host Dr. Michelle Weaver, DC. Welcome as we discuss our new practice The Tongue Tie Tribe, the one stop baby -co-op, designed to holistically heal and...
Season 3
Episode 7
Cranial Sacral Love
In this episode Danielle sits down with the amazing Lori Hendrickson, a cranial sacral therapist, to discuss the importance of body work in babies, and why we are seeing an increase in torticollis (when the neck tilts to one side) plageocephaly...
Season 3
Episode 6
Don't Should On Yourself
Danielle sits down with her dear family friend Dottie Pickett, LMFT, EMDR therapist, and MTHFR expert,(the gene responsible for ties, and many forms of depression). They discuss postpartum depression, good enough parenting, how important postna...
Season 3
Episode 5
Formula Shortage Strategy
We are facing yet again another crisis in our healthcare, this time directly affecting the lives and development of babies. There are very valid reasons as to why a woman chooses not to breastfeed and it is our job as women to support them in a...
Season 3
Episode 4
Sprinkle Some Booby Fairy Dust
In this episode, Danielle opens up about her first few weeks as a mom, and how her little barracuda baby inspired her to finally write "The Booby Fairy's Guide To Breastfeeding". She shares the first chapter of her book, as raw and vulnerable a...
Season 3
Episode 3